

..code-block:: bash

flask run –no-reload

Run the flask with auto reload disable.

Resourceful Command

Snips NLU has courpus dependency and this courpus can be diffrent language but in Raven we are currently concentrating only on english. This commnad is recommented if you are going start working raven bot.

python -m snips_nlu download en

To run the bot in the TUI which can test or to run in production.



Huey is light weight task queue which schedule tasks to execute at a given time, or after a given delay, schedule recurring tasks, like a crontab, task prioritization, task pipelines etc..

Schedule mainter is main module to run separated along with Bot as is scheduler the task given by it. Huey will work along with the following dependency for flexibility such as RedisDB and along with Walrus a lightweight and hight level api Python utilities for working with redis-py.

huey_consumer maintainer.Huey -w 2 -c 2


Redis server must be running in background for huey to work properly.

Response schedule

Response schedule is base hub where all the scheduler inside the response must be importing here which intern it will be register with Huey producer for consumer. By using the parent, child approach the aggregation of the function can be identities by as a single point of entry in registering any response schedule.


Development section will be used to describe the nessary step for bootstraping with Raven. After cloneing the repo the some of the sequenice of command are recommneded for handling some issue.


Pre-commit is used to execute some function which can be defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml. To work around with the package following command are recommneded.

$ pre-commit install # Initializing pre-commit
    pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ pre-commit run # installing the pre-commit config packages.
    [INFO] Initializing environment for
    [INFO] Installing environment for
    [INFO] Once installed this environment will be reused.
    [INFO] This may take a few minutes...
    black................................................(no files to check)Skipped

Scaff/Generating Templates.